You x JLLA.

Currently CLOSED to submissions until further notice      

If you're writing and/or illustrating for the children's book market and think we may be a fit to work together, please use the online form at to submit your work during open calls for submission. If I personally requested a submission, you may write to me at All unsolicited emails to this address will be deleted unread. 

Please include a query letter with a one sentence hook, one or two paragraph summary of the work, and one paragraph bio introducing yourself. Please also include a sample of your text and/or illustrations:

I will request additional work if interested in the above sample. 

I will respond to each query and apologize in advance that I will not be able to give feedback on most projects. 

I will also respond on all requested work, though it may take several months. If I do not respond within 6 weeks, you may follow up on the status once a month.  

All submissions are confidential. 

Diverse creators are encouraged to submit. 

All submissions will be assumed to be with other agents unless exclusivity is noted in your cover letter. In the event I offer representation, I will be happy to answer any questions and to allow at least two weeks for you to close out outstanding submissions. In the event you are offered representation by another agent or receive an offer from a publisher, please request at least two weeks to get back to the offering party and notify me of your deadline immediately by emailing with subject line OFFER RECEIVED: [YOUR NAME AND TITLE].  

You can see my wishlist at

Thanks for your interest in working together!